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What are Knowledge Sharing Sessions (KSSes)?

KNOWLEDGE SHARING SESSIONS (KSS) refers to the general term covering all types of activities held within the agency where knowledge sharing takes place. These events include conferences, fora, seminars, meetings, or brown-bag sessions. There are two types of KSS within the DSWD: those that deal with big groups, and those that deal with small groups.


How does the secretariat monitor the technical assistance provided by the CGS?

  • The CGS Secretariat monitors the following indicators:
    • Number of Technical Assistance Provided to partners and intermediaries, by form, channel, location
    • Percentage completed in specialization development program (in-house training)
    • Number of knowledge products developed
    • Number of external trainings attended
    • Number of external knowledge sharing sessions attended
    • Number of feedback reports on trainings attended
    • Number of feedback reports on TA provided
    • Number of TWG memberships

What are the specialization tracks for the CGS?

The specialization tracks focus on the various vulnerable sectors such as: 1) Children and Youth, 2) Women, 3) Older Persons, 4) Persons with Disabilities 5) Internally Displaced Persons 6) Family and Community, 7) Indigenous Peoples 8) Migrant Workers. Competencies under each sector are: 1) Policy and Plan Development, 2) Standards Development 3) Direct Service Delivery and Transfer of Technology, 4) Advocacy on Behalf of the Vulnerable Sector, 5) Networking and Partnerships.

The DSWD KM Portal is a dynamic facility founded to promote the development and sharing of knowledge within the DSWD and its partners. The Portal has vast collection of DSWD Knowledge Products (KPs) and other learning resources on social welfare and social protection.