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SWD Knowledge Management (KM) Policies

A list of related policies, issuances, and legal bases for the DSWD Knowledge Management (KM) Framework.


Title Subject Publication Year
Administrative Order No. 05, Series of 2024 Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Intellectual Property (IP) Policy 2024
Special Order No. 1023, Series of 2023 Designation of Knowledge Management Focal Persons and Alternates of DSWD Central Office and Field Offices 2023
Administrative Order No. 09, Series of 2022 Implementing Guidelines of the DSWD Knowledgement Management Framework 2022
Special Order No. 1747, Series of 2021 Designation of Knowldege Management Focal Persons and Alternates of DSWD Central Office and Field Offices 2021
Administrative Order No. 04, Series of 2021 Guidelines in Conducting the Department of Social Welfare and Development's Knowledge Sharing Sessions 2021
Memorandum Circular No. 21, Series of 2020 Guidelines on the Establishment and Management of the Social Welfare and Development Learning Network (SWD L-Net) at the Central and Field Offices 2020
Administrative Order No. 05, Series of 2016 Good Practice Documentation Guideline 2016
Administrative Order No. 15, Series of 2015 Operationalization of the DSWD Core Group of Specialist 2015
Administrative Order No. 17, Series of 2011 Knowledge Management (KM) Framework of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) 2011
Memorandum Circular No. 11, Series of 2008 Guidelines on the Conduct of Social Welfare and Development Forum 2008

The DSWD KM Portal is a dynamic facility founded to promote the development and sharing of knowledge within the DSWD and its partners. The Portal has vast collection of DSWD Knowledge Products (KPs) and other learning resources on social welfare and social protection.