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DSWD Academy, 4Ps and Stairway Foundation Inc. Collaborates on Preventing Child Sexual Abuse E-course

Mr. Lars Jorgensen (SFI Founder) provided welcome message and discussed the years of collaboration of DSWD, through 4Ps, and Stairway Foundation, Inc. (SFI).
Ms. Rosylyn Arnigo (Writeshop Facilitator) and Project Development Officer from the DSWD Academy facilitated the preliminary activities including introduction of participants and workshop team.
Mr. Christian Olan R. Dorado (Information Technology Officer) of the DSWD Academy provided an Orientation of the DSWD Academy and the DSWD Electronic Learning Management System (ELMS)
Mr. Ysrael Diloy (Child Protection Specialist) of SFI provided Overview of the Stairway Learning Management System (LMS) that hosts their e-Learning Courses.
Group photo of all participants from the Field Offices of NCR, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA,VIII and Central Office (DSWD Academy, 4Ps, Program Management Bureau, Standards Bureau, and Social Technology Bureau) together with Stairway Foundation Incorporated (SFI).
Publication Date:
DSWD Academy

On 26 - 28 February 2025, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) National Program Management Office (NPMO) spearheaded the Writeshop on the Development of Electronic Course on Child Sexual Abuse Protection (CSAP) in collaboration with Stairway Foundation, Incorporated, a Community-based and Residential Resource Learning Center. This activity was participated by 33 participants from the 4Ps Implementers from Field Office National Capital Region, IV-A, MIMAROPA, VIII, Social Technology Bureau (STB), Standards Bureau (SB), Program Management Bureau (PMB), and DSWD Academy. The writeshop was conducted to refine the e-learning course aligning with the standards of the DSWD Academy.

Child sexual abuse is a frightening reality in the Philippines as it is in many countries around the world. With 4Ps serving more than 10 million children ranging from 0 - 18 years old, it is a good tool to strengthen the knowledge and skills of program implementers on child protection, hence, a plan for a nationwide implementation of the CSAP E-Learning Course for all 4Ps Implementers is being proposed. For 2025, the DSWD Academy will be working closely with the 4Ps NPMO to prepare the requirements of the e-course in preparation for its launch in 2026.

The DSWD KM Portal is a dynamic facility founded to promote the development and sharing of knowledge within the DSWD and its partners. The Portal has vast collection of DSWD Knowledge Products (KPs) and other learning resources on social welfare and social protection.