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What are the common tasks of the partners?


The common tasks of the partners are the following:

  1. Participate in the formulation of designs and development of training needs analysis and learning tools;
  2. Develop and implement capacity building designs based on needs of the region/agency/organization, to ensure responsive learning intervention in coordination with Social Welfare Institutional Development Bureau (SWIDB) and Field Office;
  3. Develop learning modules, resource materials and knowledge products for the use of the Learning Network’s members and non-members;
  4. Install monitoring and evaluation mechanism that will act on the identified program gaps needing technical assistance including effectiveness of learning interventions provided to stakeholders;
  5. Conduct research studies for the improvement of SWD programs and services along capacity building and knowledge management; and 6.Participate in the conduct of evaluation of the areas for collaboration.

The DSWD KM Portal is a dynamic facility founded to promote the development and sharing of knowledge within the DSWD and its partners. The Portal has vast collection of DSWD Knowledge Products (KPs) and other learning resources on social welfare and social protection.